a streaming guide


Make sure to turn off autoplay, shuffle, and loop buttons. Looping (playing the song over and over) does not help in streaming because they get filtered through. Filtering is a process done by these streaming platforms in order to differentiate the True streams from bot like streams. It is counterproductive so try to remember to turn these buttons off.
In order to reach a larger audience, try sending track links to friends, post them on twitter, instagram, tik tok, any social media platforms!
Sometimes there are specific songs we need to boost streams for since they are close to a milestone, so it's best to make playlists focused on that song, see first picture down below.
Follow "IUstream" on Spotify for song focused genre playlists, there you will see how to create proper playlists that won’t filter any streams!
Make sure to switch out playlists every 3 hours or so! This helps to lessen filtering numbers.


The maximum amount of songs you should add in between the focus song is three songs!! in this case it’s BBIBBI. Add a few songs that aren't by IU in the playlist randomly just to help make sure the streams don’t get filtered!
If we are focusing on charting a specific song, genre playlists help a lot, for example a small room focused playlist but with lofi (second picture).


In the first 24 hours it’s best to not use playlists and instead manually search for the MV since it’ll help with visibility. Also playlist views take a much longer time to be added to the 24 hour count so it’s best to refrain from using them on the first day.Make sure you are signed in! This is very important because this will actually count your views. Don’t use incognito mode and do not clear your search history or cache! This will cause difficulties with counting views. YouTube is a bit particular with the way 24 hour views are counted due to bots so having a Premium account is the best thing to help with MV 24 hour goals. Premium accounts are held by people of course so this automatically rules out the possibility of the account using bots to view MVs. Make sure to watch 2 or 3 other fairly short videos in between the MV. This, once again, helps legitimize the views. Especially in the first 24 hours. Make sure to like the video, comment, and share on social media!